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Villa del Rey pledge to "Reclaiming the Promise"

Members at Villa del Rey Elementary School has taken the pledge

I will reclaim the promise of public education—not as it is today or as it was in the past, but as we imagine it for our children—to fulfill our collective obligation to help all children succeed.

I will reclaim the promise to fight for neighborhood public schools that are safe, welcoming places for teaching and learning.

I will reclaim the promise to ensure that teachers and school staff are well-prepared, are supported, have small class sizes, and have time to collaborate so they can meet the individual needs of every child.

I will reclaim the promise to make sure our children have an engaging curriculum that includes art, music and physical education.

I will reclaim the promise to ensure that children have access to wraparound services to meet their emotional, social and health needs.

I will reclaim the promise of public education for all children.

Will you take the pledge?

Contact Keshia Bishop @


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