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IEP Data Entry Deadline Extended

Due to the outcry from hundreds of special education teachers, administrators, and parents the deadline to enter IEP data into the eSER system will be extended until the third week of January. This was announced by State Superintendent Cade Brumley during this morning's Senate Education Committee meeting. This is the second time that this deadline has been extended due to issues with the eSER system.

The LDOE will send out more information to districts later today, but we felt it was important to let you all know that our pleas were heard. This wouldn't have been possible without you taking action. Together, we were able to bring this to the attention of the Louisiana Senate Education Committee and upper level LDOE officials who are now giving this system their full attention.

LFT Legislative and Political Director Cynthia Posey testified before the committee this morning, amplifying your voice and bringing your concerns into the spotlight.

There is still work to be done to actually fix the system. It still does not serve the needs of teachers and parents and there is no way to recuperate the thousands of hours that teachers have sunk into the system already, but we hope this will help alleviate your burden today.

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