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Your unions are fighting to make your voice heard. In addition to LFTs ongoing fight for your permanent pay raise, we have made great strides in bringing the issues to legislators that teachers and staff have told us impact your quality of life and ability to do your job effectively–workload, discipline, and safety.

Tomorrow, House Education will vote on two critical bills filed by your unions that protect teacher’s rights to a fair workload and provide adequate sick leave for school employees injured while assisting students.

  • SB 205 provides for additional compensation for teachers who
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Teacher's Appreciation Requires Action

This past week was Teacher’s Appreciation Week and we heard a lot of legislators say how much they appreciate our educators–will their actions match their words?

Your unions are in the legislature fighting for your pay raise, fair workload, discipline, and safety.

Both SB 205, which safeguards teacher’s right to a reasonable workload and fair compensation, and SB 213, which provides adequate time for support personnel to heal from injury while helping students, passed through the Senate and will be heard in the House on Tuesday. HB 322 will be heard on the Senate floor. This bill protects a teacher’s right to teach free from distraction.

The MFP and HB 1 are moving through the process in the Senate. LFT continues to advocate for the pay raise teachers were promised.

While your unions fight to make your voice heard, legislators continue to say one thing while doing another. Like the broken promise of a pay raise, the amendments to the constitutional convention bill HB 800 feign protections for the MFP and public pension

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Join us on Saturday, May 18th for our Annual End of the Year Awards Ceremony!  It will be held from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the EBRFT office, with the awards ceremony starting at 1:30.  

Week 8 Legislative Updates

We are over halfway through the session and here’s what you need to know.

Legislators have praised the bills to address the concerns you brought to us over unfair workloads, discipline, and safety. These bills were filled by your union!

✅Both SB 205, which safeguards teacher’s right to a reasonable workload and fair compensation, and SB 213, which provides adequate time for support personnel to heal from injury while helping students, passed through the Senate and headed to the House! ✅HB 322 passed out of Senate Education and will be heard on the Senate floor, protecting teachers’ right to teach free from distraction.

However, several bills have also passed through the Labor Committee that would take away your voice

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The 24-25 MFP (HCR 21) does not include a permanent pay raise for educators and staff. Instead, the proposed stipend means teachers and school employees may receive less compensation next year than this year.  

Tell your legislators to send the MFP back to BESE and give educators and staff the raise they deserve!

Week 7 Legislative Updates Thumbnail

Your unions are fighting to make your voice heard. In addition to LFT's ongoing fight for a permanent pay raise for teachers and support personnel, we have made great strides in bringing the issues to legislators that teachers and staff have told us impact their quality of life and ability to do their jobs effectively–workload, discipline, and safety.

Next week, legislators will hear several critical bills filed by your unions that fight for a permanent raise, protect teacher’s right to a fair workload and allow teachers to teach free from disruption. We are asking you to take three specific actions to ensure these bills become law: