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We share your values

Every position that we take is solidly based on the core values established by our members. We consider: 

  • Is it FAIR to everyone concerned?
  • Does it create OPPORTUNITY for our children to succeed and for educators to practice our profession?
  • Does it provide true ACCOUNTABILITY for all?
  • Does it provide ACCESS to necessary resources?

Join the organization that shares your values. Join EBRFT today!


Act Now Thumbnail

The fight for your pay is not over yet.  Act now to make sure you do not take home less pay next year! 

Week 11 Legislative Update

11 weeks in and we’ve come full circle

In our first legislative update of the session, we shared that the new governor, a new BESE, and many new legislators have said they want to allow teachers to get back to teaching and make education a profession that will attract and retain the best and the brightest. We welcomed them to the fight and asked them to pass laws and policies that will truly allow you the freedom to teach and care for our students, starting with a pay raise that matches the rising living costs.

While LFT continues to fight for the permanent pay raise we were promised, the

Week 10 Legislative Update

Promises Made, Promises Broken…Again and Again.

While your unions fight to protect your freedoms, legislators continue to say one thing while doing another. Contrary to promises made once the Convention convenes, anything and everything is open for debate funding for public education, the homestead exemption, retirement for teachers and public employees and a host of other items safeguarded by the Constitution.

This week, the governor said during an event that if lawmakers are able to revise the constitution, they could unlock funding to cover the potentially huge cost of ESA programs, which

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Your unions are fighting to make your voice heard. In addition to LFTs ongoing fight for your permanent pay raise, we have made great strides in bringing the issues to legislators that teachers and staff have told us impact your quality of life and ability to do your job effectively–workload, discipline, and safety.

Tomorrow, House Education will vote on two critical bills filed by your unions that protect teacher’s rights to a fair workload and provide adequate sick leave for school employees injured while assisting students.

  • SB 205 provides for additional compensation for teachers who
Week 9 Updates Thumbnail

Teacher's Appreciation Requires Action

This past week was Teacher’s Appreciation Week and we heard a lot of legislators say how much they appreciate our educators–will their actions match their words?

Your unions are in the legislature fighting for your pay raise, fair workload, discipline, and safety.

Both SB 205, which safeguards teacher’s right to a reasonable workload and fair compensation, and SB 213, which provides adequate time for support personnel to heal from injury while helping students, passed through the Senate and will be heard in the House on Tuesday. HB 322 will be heard on the Senate floor. This bill protects a teacher’s right to teach free from distraction.

The MFP and HB 1 are moving through the process in the Senate. LFT continues to advocate for the pay raise teachers were promised.

While your unions fight to make your voice heard, legislators continue to say one thing while doing another. Like the broken promise of a pay raise, the amendments to the constitutional convention bill HB 800 feign protections for the MFP and public pension

Save The Date Thumbnail

Join us on Saturday, May 18th for our Annual End of the Year Awards Ceremony!  It will be held from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at the EBRFT office, with the awards ceremony starting at 1:30.